Rabu, 28 November 2012
"niall and harry are kissing models in the kiss you video" *nyari jurang terdekat*
they better be kissing eachother now okay dari pada model kiss you aaAaAAAaAAaAAAaaaAAaaAaaa!!!!!!!!(?) harusnya gue ga nolak pas gue ditawarin jadi model video kiss you ah gara gara bentar lagi UAS nih:'''''(?) *ini apa:''''* If its true my cimit(?) kisses anyone in kiss you video I will throw myself off a building and pukpuk-ing my self(?) by my self(?) SEBENERNYA LU NGOMONG APA RAI. yahkan yang gue takutin kejadian aaaaaaaa cimit gue terlalu cimit(?) untuk dicifok aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:''''''''nyesek adalah yang jadi model video kiss you itu COWOK #plak. dan bayarannya mahal. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAXXXXXXX :''''''' *merangkak ke kamar mandi* *puter keran* *duduk dibawah shower sambil nyanyi lagu kokorono tomo* ANATAAAAAKARAAAA -abis itu gatau lirik- pas justin nawarin gue jadi model video ALAYLM juga gue gabisa gara2 gue UTS :'''''(?)sebenernya gue gamau nolak, ga enak juga sih ya nolak suami sendiri jadi model vc nya.... :') #krik tp mau gmn lagi gue punya urusan yang lebih penting ;''') #DOR MIMPINYA SUDAH MIMPINYA HAXHAXHAX
Senin, 26 November 2012
Minggu, 25 November 2012
Gatau mau ngeshare apa. yaudah ngeshare lirik die young aja deh ye
"Die Young"
I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums
Oh what a shame that you came here with someone
So while you're here in my arms
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
We're gonna die young
We're gonna die young
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
[Beat break]
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
Young hearts, out our minds
Running 'til we outta time
Wild child's lookin' good
Living hard just like we should
Don't care whose watching when we tearing it up (You Know)
That magic that we got nobody can touch (For sure)
Looking for some trouble tonight (yeah)
Take my hand, I'll show you the wild, side
Like it's the last night of our lives (uh huh)
We'll keep dancing 'til we die
I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums
Oh what a shame that you came here with someone
So while you're here in my arms,
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
We're gonna die young
We're gonna die young
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
[Beat break]
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
Young hunks, taking shots
Stripping down to dirty socks
Music up, gettin' hot
Kiss me, give me all you've got
It's pretty obvious that you've got a crush (you know)
That magic in your pants, it's making me blush (for sure)
Looking for some trouble tonight (yeah)
Take my hand I'll show you the wild side
Like it's the last night of our lives (uh huh)
We'll keep dancing 'til we die
I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums
Oh what a shame that you came here with someone
So while you're here in my arms,
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums
Oh what a shame that you came here with someone
So while you're here in my arms
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
We're gonna die young
We're gonna die young
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
Oh what a shame that you came here with someone
So while you're here in my arms
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
We're gonna die young
We're gonna die young
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
[Beat break]
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
Young hearts, out our minds
Running 'til we outta time
Wild child's lookin' good
Living hard just like we should
Don't care whose watching when we tearing it up (You Know)
That magic that we got nobody can touch (For sure)
Looking for some trouble tonight (yeah)
Take my hand, I'll show you the wild, side
Like it's the last night of our lives (uh huh)
We'll keep dancing 'til we die
I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums
Oh what a shame that you came here with someone
So while you're here in my arms,
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
We're gonna die young
We're gonna die young
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
[Beat break]
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
Young hunks, taking shots
Stripping down to dirty socks
Music up, gettin' hot
Kiss me, give me all you've got
It's pretty obvious that you've got a crush (you know)
That magic in your pants, it's making me blush (for sure)
Looking for some trouble tonight (yeah)
Take my hand I'll show you the wild side
Like it's the last night of our lives (uh huh)
We'll keep dancing 'til we die
I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums
Oh what a shame that you came here with someone
So while you're here in my arms,
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums
Oh what a shame that you came here with someone
So while you're here in my arms
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
We're gonna die young
We're gonna die young
Let's make the most of the night like we're gonna die young
Source: azlyrics.com
Sabtu, 24 November 2012
Gausah dibaca, gapenting juga-_-
gue ga ngerti kenapa anak smash blast manggil personil smash itu pake 'kakak'? sejak kapan personil smash kawin sama kakak lo SEJAK KAPAN?!?! gue gabisa ngebayangin kalo seandainya smash tukeran tempat sama 1D. 1D jadi boyband indonesia, smash jadi boyband UK. gue manggil niall pake kakak, minta followback di twitter "@niallofficial kakakkkk follback aku dong makasih. semangat ya performnya hari ini di dahsyat :)' *dan tiba tiba semuanya berubah ketika negara api menyerang* *ini apa* sedih gua sedih. terus gue manggil justin pake 'aa' hina sekali.... oiya kemaren gue buka facebook tibatiba ada yang chat "kakak belieber yah,,,?" terus gue bales "iya, kenapa?" "like page aku donk 'beliebers indo love ntiin kecee' (apa apaan gitu gatau pokoknya ada kece kece sama ntin ntinnya gitu-___- yaudah abaikan) yah kak mksih,,,," yaudah karena kasian gue search terus ketemu. dipikiran gue album fotonya keren keren gitu ye ada yg blm gue punya lumayan gue save TAPI TERNYATA APAAAAA fotonya justin diedit pake tempat ngedit di nokia c3. kenapa ya allah kenapaaaaaa..........ngomong ngomong tentang justin, kemaren gue liat di giant di toko toko parfum di pinggiran toko(?)-_- gue liat someday harga 15ribuaaaan TIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKKK(?). dulu di MM pas awal awal someday keluar mama gue nanya harganya 500rban deh tapi ini...........SEDIH GUA SEDIH. yasudah lah, gue disuruh makan *curhat-_-* daaaachhhhh(?)-____-
Curhat ceritanya
Sebenernya sih gue udah punya blog dari 2010. tapi posting-annya terlalu hina hina sekali. hina. pas jaman jaman alay. ada tuh posting-an tentang justin...........dan pas gue baca.....hina sekali. hina. ada lagi gue curhat tentang gue kecanduan twitter pas jaman jaman awal gitu. belum lagi gue baca draft gue yang untung aja gajadi gue post.... yah terharu lah hina sekali. akhirnya gue bikin blog baru lagi!!! yeeeeee \:D/ \:D/ *beer*(?)-_- sebenernya bisa aja sih blog gue yang dulu gue apusin postingannya trs diedit lagi bisa tapi udah terlalu hina akhirnya gue bikin lagi deh :') disini ga ada autotext apa?-_- em dan gue yakin beberapa tahun yang akan datang *tsah* *kibas poni* ini postingan bakal gue anggep alay kayak jaman dulu, gue anggep alay itu keren ternyata sekarang malah jadi aib. belum lagi foto2 facebook gue yang sama temen foto bareng di edit ada lope lope(?)nya, bunga bunga, tulisan 'cheeeseeee' TIDAAAAAK TIDAK MUNGKIN GUE KAYAK GITU DULU TIDAKKKKKKK!!!!!!
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